Are immigrants natural conservatives? Nope


An open letter to the makers of The Wolf of Wall Street


Why conservatives are afraid of Pope Francis


This week in God: the Duck Dynasty edition


Lac Megantic rail exec: "I was also a victim"


Private sector bust: how UPS botched Christmas


Paul Calandra's year of magical thinking

Paul Calandra shot onto the national stage this year after languishing as a Conservative backbencher since 2008.
Stephen Harper promoted him to his Parliamentary Secretary in the summer after his other parliamentary sidekick, Dean Del Mastro, was charged with breaking Canada's election laws.
Once the fall session began, Calandra's "qualifications" for the job came clear.
Canadian politics watchers all described with a sense of horror as Calandra twisted any question he fielded in Question Period about the ongoing Senate scandal and PMO cover-up into really bad spin.
Being called "Parliament’s propagandist-in-chief" didn't sound so bad after his local newspapers said he was "an embarrassing alternative to Rob Ford."
Others piled on. "With every innuendo-laced answer," Toronto Star columnist Chantal Hebert wrote, "Calandra leads the House of Commons — and his government along with it — further into La La Land."
Maclean's columnist Scott Feschuk applied Calandra's non-answer technique to a house on fire. CBC's Rick Mercer named a men's cologne after him  — "Obfuscation."
Calandra-monium doesn't stop there. An entire website popped up that allows visitors to ask any question and receive classic canned Calandra responses.
Watch our compilation of Calandra's low points this session. Consider this just a primer, though. We have a feeling the worst is yet to come in 2014.


The price of tax cuts


5 political icons who died in 2013


5 Canadian artists who rocked in 2013

There was no lack of awesome coming from Canadian artists this year, but here's a list of our favourites who went the extra mile to make good this year.

Neil Young

How could our most storied rock legend get any more legendary? By announcing a slate of concerts to benefit the Athabasca Chipewayan First Nation in Northern Alberta.

The "Honor the Treaties" benefit concerts will raise money for their legal defence fund to fight the expansion of the tar sands on their traditional land. One of them, Shell's Jackpine, just got the go-ahead from the federal government earlier this month, despite Ottawa's finding that it's "likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects." 

Keep on rockin' Neil...


The rapper raised in London, Ont, released a new record, Flying Colours, this year. The stand out track (for #cdnpoli lovers) is called Fam Jam (fe sum immigrants) about the immigrant experience in Canada:
"To the guys that draw lines and make the borders real / But then bend the rules when there's more to drill / Don't turn away the stateless, think of the waste, if one in 3 refugees is a Lauryn Hill."

Franke James

The outspoken artist and author, once blacklisted by the Canadian government for her activism, took her critiques of the Harper government and its inaction on climate change to Washington D.C.  Speaking (and drawing) truth to power on Keystone and other issues, James gets a tip o' the hat for telling the world that Canada "is a dirty old man."

Godspeed You! Black Emperor

The Polaris Music Prize is great because it exposes people to some great Canadian artists. But when the long-toiling experimental rock group from Montreal, Godspeed, refused the prize for album of the year, Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!, the band made us think with a powerful letter critiquing the awards.
The band donated their $30,000 prize to set up a program so prisoners in Quebec could have musical instruments.

Sarah Harmer

Kudos to Harmer, a longtime environmentalist, for headlining the "Rock the Line" concert to protest the plan from Calgary-based energy distributor Enbridge to modify its use of an oil pipeline running between Ontario and Quebec.

The 'Stop Line 9' movement is concerned that increasing capacity of crude oil on Line 9 and reversing it on Line 9B is a disaster waiting to happen.

Phoro: nrk-p3. Used under a Creative Commons BY-ND 2.0 licence.